We’re hiring!

Know of anyone who loves sales and people and has an entrepreneurial spirit?

We’re excited for what WamBam Fence has cooking for 2011. To help facilitate this, we need to hire an inside sales person to help grow our company. To see the job description, click here.

Candidates should email denise@wambamfence.com with a resume and answers to the following questions:

• The best personal growth book he or she has ever read, and why.
• An example of when he or she came up with a creative solution to a problem.
• The worst experience with a customer he or she ever had, and how it was handled.
• Why this person is interested in working at WamBam Fence.

Candidates are encouraged to spend some time on our website and learn all about our digless, easy to install vinyl fence.

More Outsourcing Chaos

We’re using some outsourcing to help the search engine optimization of our site. Part of what they do is write articles that pertain to fencing and WamBam Fence, and then release them online. It’s safe to say that said articles probably aren’t read too much. However, being nervous about people writing articles on our company when English isn’t their first language, I had one criterion: I wanted to proof read every single article written, even if it supposedly wasn’t going to be read by anyone. Part of what came back was enough to make me cringe. I rewrote the thing, and gave revised article a green light.

They released the original one. I don’t even know where they came up with this; they must read the blog or something. But this was one of the paragraphs of the article leaked for a few torture-some hours before I caught it and had it revoked immediately.

Even though the name of our company is pretty strange but our company is absolutely authorized and legal, handling jobs that are appropriate and tailor marked to the best of our client needs. The company is run by Steve and Denise along with two bondage employees Ben and Scott who started the entire concept of easy to fix fences

Easy to fix fences? And what the heck is a bondage employee? What kind of outfit do we have going on here anyway?

(The real story is that we provide easy-to-install vinyl fence that is digless. And our employees are here by choice. Promise.)

Social Media Marketing? Hmmm….

So what’s with the blog, Twitter, and the WamBam Facebook page?

I get asked this question every so often, and my answers are weak. They vary from:

Everyone’s doing it.
The latest issue of Inc. magazine said it was the new rage.
I read a book on Social Media marketing and it made sense.
We’re trying (pretending?) to be a real business.

Ok, so I’ll be the first to admit that I don’t really have a clue about it. I’m just trying it out. I’m not a Harvard educated Marketing Mongrel. Not even close.

The blog is important to us for a few reasons. The most shameless is search engine optimization. But there are other benefits, too. We can log our story (and another marketing book said it’s all about the story…) and it’s a great container to put little tidbits of information in that would only clutter our site.

But Facebook and Twitter? Hmmm….I’m not convinced. But I’m not giving up, either. After all, I’m sure my 6 Twitter followers (mostly personal friends of mine) wait for updates with baited breath.

So would you help me out in my marketing efforts by becoming a fan of WamBam Fence on Facebook? I promise we won’t inundate you with marketing BS in your newsfeed. You can also follow us on Twitter. I can’t promise an endless supply of witty and clever tweets, but Clever Joe is kinda loveable, right? If you would do this to help us in our marketing efforts, I would be eternally grateful. After all, I can’t afford Harvard. And I’m pretty sure they wouldn’t accept me, either.

Click here to become a Facebook fan and click here to follow us on Twitter. And why should you? Well, we offer digless vinyl fence that’s fun and easy to install. It doesn’t get much better than that, right?

Your Job Might Be Safer Than You Think

I haven’t made any attempts to disguise the fact that we do some outsourcing at WamBam Fence. For those of you who live and work in North America, you might derive some satisfaction from the fact that it’s not always smooth sailing.

Take, for instance, my instructions to a web developer in India for the following part of the site:

Basic Instructions to this Page

1. Change Title font (The WamBam Journal) to “Gloucester MT Extra  Condensed”. It should say “The WamBam Journal” at the top and the bottom.
2. In the new page as per our discussion, the copy should read (I typed out the whole paragraph for him).

The end result when I went to the site the next morning? (Yes, the changes were live.)

Maybe I Need to Give Clearer Instructions?

Let’s just say that after several incidents, we’ve mostly reverted back to North America for outsourcing.

Here at WamBam Fence, we provide digless vinyl fence that’s easy to install because it’s designed for the do-it-yourself market.

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