Planning a fence is a big project with many considerations. You don’t want to be ill-prepared, or you might get frazzled and end up like this:
Don’t worry. If you pay attention to these 4 tips, you won’t end up like Frazzled Joe.
1. Your Ground Probably Slopes More Than You Think
Even though your yard may appear to be level, many people don’t realize that their property has been playing tricks on them, hiding a subtle (and sometimes not-so-subtle) slope. With our fence system, slopes aren’t too detrimental as WamBam Fence handles sloping ground quite well, but you should still be aware of the slope of your yard before you embark on a fence project, or you might find your posts too short. Click here to see how to figure out your yard slope, or check out this page on how to best handle sloping ground.
2. Take Time to Sketch Out Your Proposed Fence Lines
A fence project is like a fine wine- it should be savored and sipped slowly. Ok, perhaps no one wants to savor a fence project. You always should, however, proceed slowly in the planning stages. We recommend sketching out your fence lines. If it doesn’t make sense on paper, chance are, it won’t make sense in your yard and you could have issues after starting. Remember that a WamBam Fence consultant will help you plan your project and is willing to do countless revisions for you if you need it. We are also happy to look at pictures of your yard or diagrams.
3. Talk to the Appropriate People (Neighbors, HOAs, Locates, etc.)
We’re “ready, fire, aim” kinda people here sometimes, so we get that approach to life. However, it’s not a good approach with your fence. There are things you absolutely need to do before you start your project, such as calling locates and determining your actual boundaries. HOA’s can cause trouble at times, and with them the adage “forgiveness is easier to get than permission” never applies. Reading installation guides before you begin may not be the manly (or womanly) thing to do, but we won’t tell anyone if you do, because you really should. Don’t feel overwhelmed with the “to do” list. We’ve created one for you here.
4. Remember Murphy’s Law
You will probably run into a few snags along the way. This is the nature of the beast when dealing with the mysterious underground. Rocks and tree roots can lurk underground like dust bunnies under the bed. The good news is that obstacles won’t derail your project, but they could cause some delays and frustration, so it’s good to be mentally prepared for some surprises. WamBam also has staff available to help you navigate any tricky situations. And don’t be too worried because in our experience, obstacles are the exception and not the rule. Here is a list of potential challenges you may encounter– and how to solve them.
In short, a fence is a lifetime investment in your property, and with a bit of planning, you can make the process much more enjoyable. You’ll be the neighborhood hero once you get that good looking fence up!