This unfortunately is not a laughing matter, but rather one of potentially deadly consequences. You must call before you start to install your fence to avoid puncturing any unseen underground utilities, especially electrical or gas lines. Fortunately, this is made easy for you. Simply call 811 in the US, or visit
In Canada, visit for a list of phone numbers by province.
Local zoning laws and Home Owners Associations may regulate the height, style and placement of your fence. Some locations may even require a permit.
Many disputes have arisen from questions about whose side the fence is on. It's better to settle these before you put up a fence.
Your fence will become part of their yard, and you’ll have an easier time building it if you can have access from both sides. Besides, you may get lucky if they decide to share the cost with you.
Let's face it- no one likes reading instructions. But please, make an exception for this project. We want you to have the best possible experience installing your WamBam Fence and reading the instructions will ensure this. Trust me, you’ll be glad you did! And don't worry about the size- they are mostly pictures.