We love it when our customers show the WamBam spirit, and Kevin from Hawaii took it over the top! He installed his WamBam Fence and told his 4 year old daughter that Jurassic Park lay beyond. To drive the point home, he got creative in Photoshop.
Who would have thought that Jurassic Park would have chosen a WamBam vinyl fence to contain the dinosaurs?*
Originally when Kevin called about wanting a WamBam Fence, I pretty much tried to dissuade him. Shipping to Hawaii is not cheap. Kevin wanted a WamBam Fence, though, and was willing to pay extra to get it there. We arranged for his fence to be shipped to the West coast, where it was then loaded into a container and sailed across the Pacific. It was then trucked to his house. Everything went smoothly, much to our relief– and Kevin’s.
Kevin was a great customer all around, giving us lots of feedback and pictures. However, he also enjoyed tantalizing us with tropical weather reports (in December) and pictures of his surroundings. After seeing these images, I wanted to personally deliver the fence, but it just wasn’t going to fit in my 40 gallon backpack.

You’d pay extra for shipping your fence, too, with this practically being your backyard. Thanks for tantalizing, us, Kevin!
We hope your daughter doesn’t get nightmares, Kevin! Thanks for giving us the laugh of the week- and maybe even the month.
*Please note that WamBam Fence cannot guarantee their fence for the use of dinosaur containment, particularly Tyrannosaurus Rexes, and will accept no responsibility for injuries as a result of wayward dinosaurs. 😉