So what’s with the blog, Twitter, and the WamBam Facebook page?
I get asked this question every so often, and my answers are weak. They vary from:
Everyone’s doing it.
The latest issue of Inc. magazine said it was the new rage.
I read a book on Social Media marketing and it made sense.
We’re trying (pretending?) to be a real business.
Ok, so I’ll be the first to admit that I don’t really have a clue about it. I’m just trying it out. I’m not a Harvard educated Marketing Mongrel. Not even close.
The blog is important to us for a few reasons. The most shameless is search engine optimization. But there are other benefits, too. We can log our story (and another marketing book said it’s all about the story…) and it’s a great container to put little tidbits of information in that would only clutter our site.
But Facebook and Twitter? Hmmm….I’m not convinced. But I’m not giving up, either. After all, I’m sure my 6 Twitter followers (mostly personal friends of mine) wait for updates with baited breath.
So would you help me out in my marketing efforts by becoming a fan of WamBam Fence on Facebook? I promise we won’t inundate you with marketing BS in your newsfeed. You can also follow us on Twitter. I can’t promise an endless supply of witty and clever tweets, but Clever Joe is kinda loveable, right? If you would do this to help us in our marketing efforts, I would be eternally grateful. After all, I can’t afford Harvard. And I’m pretty sure they wouldn’t accept me, either.
Click here to become a Facebook fan and click here to follow us on Twitter. And why should you? Well, we offer digless vinyl fence that’s fun and easy to install. It doesn’t get much better than that, right?