As part of our annual “Give Back” Campaign, we here at WamBam decided to show our holiday spirit with donations to Urban Ministry Center here in our city of Charlotte, NC. The Urban Ministry Center has been providing services to Charlotte’s homeless population for over 35 years! These services include daily hot meals, laundry, shower facilities, and even assistance in creating valid IDs! Of course they are always in need of basic supplies and funds to help support their outreach, and we were happy that we could play some small part in their cause this holiday season! Throughout the month of December, our employees donated both items and money from their own pockets, which WamBam then matched.
The last few years have been years of fantastic growth and good fortune here at WamBam. We’re very proud of every member of our WamBam Family, who have not only made this kind of growth a reality, but who have also been so willing to pay it forward to others in their community!
“A kind gesture can reach a wound that only compassion can heal.”
– Steve Maraboli