We pride ourselves on the quality and sturdiness of all styles of fence we sell. You may have seen some our videos demonstrating how sturdy our Steady Freddy privacy fence is against a Big Ass fan.
While we can show that to you ourselves, from time to time we get unsolicited customer testimonials about how well their WamBam privacy fence held up against damaging winds … sometimes even against tornado strength winds!
You may remember December 2021 as a time where there was very unusual tornado activity around the country, even in areas not normally affected by such damaging and deadly weather. Below are two testimonials, from customers in Colorado and Nebraska, letting us know how well their WamBam fence held up to tornado strength winds. While no fence is indestructible, we think our system is best compared to the competition for various reasons below.
First, the testimonials:
Mark & DeAnne – Lyons, NE – in email to us dated 12/22/21
Having large dogs, we knew we needed a fence we could rely on. Customer reviews helped use decide on WamBam. Living in Nebraska we weren’t sure how that could work logistically or financially. Linda in the sales department took us through the process and we were not only shocked that it cost less than a nationwide big box store, but WamBam would help walk us through the installation, which saved us even thousands more. This was about 5 years ago. We had damage done by a careless neighbor in this time, which we easily repaired ourselves. Our German Shepard and 2 Labs love their yard and fence. Who knew on 12/15/2021 our fence would withstand gusts that dropped power lines AND poles, high winds registering over 100 mph in the area and 2 tornadoes. We were hunkered in our shelter watching briefly on security until we lost power. It sounded like mayhem outside. We were shocked to find our fence not only standing but unharmed. It gave like young tree would, never breaking. We don’t understand how but we know we made the right decision then and we know it still today. WamBam is our choice without question. Thank you for making our investment worthy!

Rob Kirkpatrick – Colorado Springs, CO – in email to us dated 12/19/21
Hey Jason and WamBam Support team, (cc’d)
Not sure if you heard, but even way up in the mountains this last week we got hit with a “hurricane” – at least in wind speed. I’m pleased to say that WamBam’s claims are 100% founded (let me know what I can do to help your marketing team).
Only one panel was damaged and that was simply because the securing screws were pushed to their limits. The other 16 panels held up perfectly. I did take the oversized gate down, but the 4 ft also held up. As you can tell, I’m thrilled.
I’m hoping that you can help me replace the following screws:

Now, a few words about privacy fence and high winds:
As you can see above, with proper installation (and let’s be honest, a little sympathy from Mother Nature) WamBam fence has shown customers who are unfortunate enough to be exposed to severe weather just how durable and sturdy our fence can be. Any privacy fence is more susceptible to wind load vs. other styles of fence (ex: anything without a solid panel such as picket fence). And remember, nobody’s fence is completely immune to damage from severe weather. However, we feel our privacy fence is a smarter purchase because:
- Rails are attached to posts via screws.
- Panels tend to “blow out” from posts requiring only bent screws and maybe cracked rail(s) to be replaced by customer.
- Posts are unlikely to be affected. Other companies’ rails attach to post via a hole in their post, and if that hole is cracked or warped by wind load, the whole post (with concrete footing!) might need to be replaced.
- Replacement parts are easily purchased by talking to your Project Consultant or our intrepid parts department. We won’t sell you a whole panel unless it’s cheaper vs. individual replacement parts.
- Replacement parts usually ship next business day.
Give us a call at 877-778-5733 to discuss your project and how WamBam fence can best suit your fence project needs!