Our business is highly seasonal which means there are about 13 weeks of the year where we do the bulk of our business. We have been growing a lot over the past few years, so it can be hard to predict sales and inventory requirements. Plus, when systems get pushed to the max, the cracks are exposed. It’s a good thing because it helps us fix issues to position ourselves for future growth, but it doesn’t come without frustrations!
2019 has so far exceeded our expectations. We had a record breaking month which means all departments were pushed to the limits: record number of sales, record number of transactions to process, record number of parts shipped, and subsequently most boxes shipped out the door in a single day, week, and month. All of our fabulous employees stepped up to the plate to go the extra mile to do what needed to be done. Spring can be very intense and stressful at times, but through it all we still try to find some time to have some fun. Here’s a few mid-spring office highlights:
Spring isn’t quite half over yet and the challenges will continue, but the growth related problems we face are good ones to have. I’m always in awe of our team in the busy season. It’s amazing what we can accomplish when we all band together.