We are definitely rolling into Spring with our wheels turning at full speed! The last few weeks have been hectic and busy (in a VERY good way!) and we are on our way to have a record breaking month! Although we work hard here at WamBam, we don’t take ourselves too seriously. We like to have fun also. One way we like to get outside instead of being stuck in the office all day is by gardening. We have a Garden Club that about half of our staff actively participates in. This is the first year that we have added this to our workplace but it is phenomenal. Most of us Wambammers are advocates of eating healthy, whole foods and living an active lifestyle. What better way to support that goal than grow your own vegetables, herbs, and fruit.
Our Garden Club is going to be the envy of clubs at WamBam Fence. This picture below was taken today. We planted 2 weeks ago. We have tomatoes, onions, broccoli, cauliflower, zucchini, squash, cucumbers, spinach, mixed greens, basil, rosemary, thyme, strawberry, and more! Stay tuned to our blog throughout the spring and summer to see our progress. We will post pictures periodically showing our amazing harvest. We are so excited to see (and taste) the fruits (and vegetables) of our labor!

Our Company Garden Planted in the Parking Lot is Looking Very Promising!