“Wood fences need constant repair… Note the painting back then could be had for a home cooked meal from a hobo or bindle stiff.”
– Bud Mackinga, in a hand written letter to WamBam

Our oldest known customer didn’t want to maintain a wood fence so purchased and installed a vinyl one
Say hello to Bud, our oldest known customer. Not wanting to deal with wood fences anymore due to the painting and staining hassles, he decided to go for maintenance-free vinyl. Thus, at the age of 81 he single-handedly installed his Jiminy Picket Vinyl Fence. Although he has an email address (with “1935” appended to it), Bud’s not one for email so all communication between us and him was done via phone or snail mail. He had a great experience and wanted to share a review, so he wrote a letter and utilized technology by having someone fax it to us. Check out his letter here.
Here’s an excerpt from his letter:
“When I was a child, I can still remember my mother and her friends talking about the green shuttered house & white picket fence.
Now, all these years later my wife wants the white picket fence.
Wanting nothing more than to please Sue (my wife) I start looking (o yah).
Wood fences need constant repair because of deteriation, rot, peeling paint, etc. Note the painting back than could be had for a home cooked meal from a hobo or bindle stiff. Now I would have to do it myself. “No thanks.”
Not able to afford a contractor what to do, what to do. I needed something better than wood. Digging holes lifting heavy bags of cement mixing with water, and pouring and stamping it in the hold to hold post’s upright
All of this lead to my quest for something else.
I started to search the internet not an easy task for an 80 year old senior citizen
After bumbling thru the internet checking Lowe’s, Home Depot, local fence companys for what seams like forever I somehow stumble across this funny name Wam Bam Fence Co (what the h***) give it a go…” Read more.
Bud was a pleasure to work with, and we are very impressed at his energy, drive and handy man skills!