How to Attach a Manchester Panel to a Manchester Gate

The Manchester gate uses posts that are a different width than the rails on the Manchester panel. These thicker posts are better for supporting the weight of the gate. Because of this difference in design, the rails from the fence panel don’t line up perfectly with the posts from the gate. Use this guide to

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Mailbox Size and Reinforcement

Mailboxes can vary greatly in style, size, and weight. As such, we have recommended sizes for our Zippity mailbox posts and some suggestions for accommodating mailboxes outside the suggested size.   Size We recommend purchasing a medium-sized mailbox that is no heavier than 8-10 pounds. If your mailbox weighs more than 10lbs, we recommend using one or all of the additional reinforcement methods below.  Mounting Your Mailbox  

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Installing Privacy Screens in Various Layouts

Most of our privacy screens are designed to be a simple L-shape to block the sightline to a trash can or air conditioner. But many of our customers end up customizing the layout of their screen to accommodate multiple cans or to hide an unsightly gas tank. Below, we will detail the most common layouts and how to

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Installing Zippity Fence Panels at an Angle Other Than 90 Degrees

Sometimes projects require the fence panels to be angled in varying degrees outside of 90°. This article will detail how the rails can be adjusted to accommodate for an alternate angle. Our semi-permanent Zippity fences use joiner clips to attach the panels together. The length of a joiner clip will allow you to place the

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How To Draw A Good Sketch For Your Friendly Project Consultant

Determining how much material you need for your fence project can be a bit confusing at times.  That’s why WamBam has a friendly team of dedicated Project Consultants to help. We only want you purchasing what you need to successfully complete your project.  No more.  No less.  Too much material will likely result in costly

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What drill and bits are best for my installation?

You’ll need a good drill (or two, more on that below) to install your WamBam fence.  Drills are needed to: Predrill holes into galvanized steel pipe anchor for screws Drive screws through pipe anchor positioner and leveling donuts into pipe anchor Drive screws through vinyl to secure posts to pipe anchor and rails to posts

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I have a sledgehammer. Do I really need a post pounder?

Customers sometimes ask, “I have a sledgehammer, do I really need a post pounder?”  The short answer is YES.  In our experience, having a post pounder makes your install easier and more consistent.  Here’s why: Post pounders give you a greater chance of installing your pipe anchor straight into the ground.  Straight pipe anchors are key

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Adjusting Tension on Gate Hinges

Our gate hinges are spring loaded to allow for self-closing gates.  Depending on what style of gate you are installing, there will be 1 of 2 different types of hinges utilized to attach gate and post. Vinyl Gate Hinge              Aluminum Gate Hinge       Below please find the steps on how to

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Surface Mounting BL19042 Posts for Sturbridge or Nantucket Panels

We do not offer a dedicated surface mount for the posts that are used with our Nantucket and Sturbridge fence.  If you are looking to mount your Nantucket or Sturbridge posts to a concrete surface like a patio or wooden surface like a deck, in short, you have two options:   Surface mounting or core drilling.

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Dealing with Loose Rock Underground

Running into mid-sized rocks underground when trying to install your fence can be extremely frustrating. If you encounter this, we recommend you purchase a post hole digging bar at your local hardware store or online. It’s generally less expensive to purchase at your hardware store. This handy tool may just become your new best friend regarding

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 by Denise