Murphy’s Aluminum Fence Laws

Read all about potential obstacles and possible solutions when installing our aluminum fence by reading Murphy’s Aluminum Fence Laws.


What drill and bits are best for my installation?

You’ll need a good drill (or two, more on that below) to install your WamBam fence.  Drills are needed to: Predrill holes into galvanized steel pipe anchor for screws Drive screws through pipe anchor positioner and leveling donuts into pipe anchor Drive screws through vinyl to secure posts to pipe anchor and rails to posts

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Adjusting Tension on Gate Hinges

Our gate hinges are spring loaded to allow for self-closing gates.  Depending on what style of gate you are installing, there will be 1 of 2 different types of hinges utilized to attach gate and post. Vinyl Gate Hinge              Aluminum Gate Hinge       Below please find the steps on how to

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How to Secure a “Lone Soldier Post” Next to the House

Even though it’s not recommended, sometimes you need to hang a gate on a lone fence post that is next to the house. In this instance you will want to take extra precaution to secure the lone fence post. This will cause it to remain strong over time. One solution is to screw a bolt

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 by Denise

How Do I Deal With Sloping Ground for My Aluminum Fence?

Our aluminum fence is rackable, which means that it has been engineered to automatically slope with the grade of your yard, up to 10in per 84in panel. There is nothing special you need to do to slope your aluminum fence. It will angle to the position you set it.

 by Denise

How do I mount my aluminum fence rail to a pre-existing wall?

To mount your aluminum fence rail to an uneven brick wall, follow the instructions below: A. Attach bracket using concrete screws, while adjusting the spacing with washers. To mount your aluminum fence rail to another type of pre-existing wall, follow the instructions below: A. Place brackets evenly with fence rail spacing and secure with screws.

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 by Denise

How far do I drive my anchors into the ground?

You should drive your large anchor 42″ into the ground, leaving 42″ above the ground. You should drive your small anchor 36″ into the ground, leaving 24″ above the ground.

 by Denise

How do I deal with angles in my aluminum fence line?

A. You will need to purchase a special bracket designed to angle your aluminum fence rails. Please call us at 1-877-778-5733 and we can help you out.  

 by Denise

How to trim down your aluminum fence panel for a custom fit.

A. Measure distance between posts, subtracting 1/4in. from total length for backet compensation. B. Measure both top and bottom rails to ensure both are the same length before cutting. D. The rail brackets are designed to allow for up to 1in. of extension beyond end of rails on each side for a total of 2in. E. Screw self tapping

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 by Denise