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We help homeowners install fence

Hired help can be expensive, especially as far as fencing is concerned. We believe that the average homeowner with some time and desire can install our vinyl or ornamental fence with relative ease. Our innovative no-dig installation method makes it so much easier than the old way of digging deep holes and pouring concrete.

Gas Powered Post Pounder

How do we help?

  • We have an easier way to install fence
  • You don't need special tools or equipment...but we do have cool tools to help you install it if you want to make it even easier (read about our rental gas powered pounders here)
  • We’re going to save you money versus hiring a professional. You and your buddies can knock this out, and you’ll be the hero of your neighborhood
  • We’re going to save you time (and your back) compared to buying traditionally installed fence
  • We provide detailed installation guides and a full technical knowledge base
  • You can call us for over-the-phone installation help
  • We're going to give you a great looking fence that you can be proud of