Meet the Team
Meet the Team

WamBam Fence isn't just a company; it's a team made up of some of the finest people we know! Get to know the whole team a little better below.


Stephen is one of WamBam’s founders and owners. He has been in the fencing industry for over 20 years, and designed many of the fences you see on our website himself. In his spare time Stephen likes to spend time with his family and take his dune buggy out for a ride!


Denise originally started her career at WamBam’s sister company New England Arbors. Having had an avid role in their sales and online marketing, she was invited to help start up WamBam Fence. After a 3 month long trip backpacking around the world, Denise moved from Canada to North Carolina to launch the business. Although Denise has travelled in more than 30 countries, ran a marathon and climbed Mt Kilimanjaro, she has tamed it down over recent years. She traded her motorcycle for a four door car and takes her baby for walks instead of Crossfitting. An avid reader and Words with Friends aficionado, she also loves to puzzle while listening to audiobooks.


Linda has been with WamBam fence since 2011 and wore many hats in the early days.  She is our Sales/Office manager for our growing team.  She continues to help our customers with all their fencing needs.  She moved to NC from NH in 2003 with her husband and 3 sons.  She proclaims NC is the perfect place to live and is loving the weather.  She’s a crazy Essential Oiler, but we love her anyway!


Paul is originally from NY. He visited NC in early 2016 and after getting tired of the cold northern winters he decided to pack up his dog his lamp and his pillow make the move to NC. Paul Joined WamBam fence in the Spring of 2016. Started out doing Data entry and processing the daily orders. Over the years he learned how to do sales and handle technical calls. Since then he has become the team lead for our Cornelius warehouse, which has gone from 1 to 3 employees in a very short time!


Chris has been with WamBam fence since 2016 and handles sales and inventory. After graduating from the University of North Carolina at Charlotte with a degree in Foreign Studies and a minor in Japanese, Chris started his job search overseas, but fate intervened and Chris instead found himself being recruited to work at WamBam by Linda, a family friend. Chris is a self-proclaimed nerd who loves to read, watch movies, and play board and video games.


Stu has been with us for over a year now. He is from the beautiful countryside of Virginia, and has formerly served in the United States Marine Corps as a helicopter door-gunner. Stu is currently attending college as a welding and fabrication student. His loves include live music, fitness, breweries, camping, and lots of other outdoor activities!


Karen began her journey as WamBam’s bookkeeper in June 2017, which seems fitting since most of her life changing events occur in the month of June. She moved to North Carolina in June 2005 from New Jersey with her husband, son (whose birthday is in June), daughter and family dog. Karen’s family has grown by 3 more dogs since. During her spare time she enjoys volunteering with animal rescues. To say she loves dogs is an understatement.


Tonya joined WamBam fence in June 2017.  She is a dedicated customer service specialist who strives to make your experience with WamBam Fence the absolute best it can be.  Outside of work, Tonya’s hobbies include traveling, hiking, gardening, and spending time with her family.


Andrew has been with WamBam fence since September of 2017 and handles order management and IT issues. Andrew comes from a military family in which his father served the US army for 28 years. Andrew graduated from the University of NC at Charlotte with a bachelors in Information Technology and speaks Korean fluently. In his free time Andrew is an avid golfer and loves to spend time with his family.


Kevin has been with WamBam Fence since late 2017 and handles order entry.  Kevin graduated from ECPI University with a degree in Information Technology/Network Security.  WamBam was a great fit to put his data entry and IT skills to good use.  Kevin uses his time away from work to spend time with his wife Hannah and two children, Dylan and Emery.  If not with his family, Kevin is in the garage tinkering with his car as he is a self-professed “car guy”.


Christie was raised in the Colorado mountains, but moved to NC in 2015. She joined the WamBam team in 2017 and works in our Cornelius warehouse. Christie loves being outdoors and spends her free time hiking, climbing, camping, skiing, and more!


Joey began his role with the WamBam Fence marketing team at the start of 2018. His workplace skillsets were molded as a student-athlete at Emory & Henry College. Along with graduating as a double major in business management and economics, Joey was able to balance a photography job with the athletic department, and played on a Division III football team. His ability to multi-task in high performance situations makes him a valuable resource. Joey is a competitive, energetic, sports enthusiast, who enjoys mentally and physically challenging activities like snowboarding and playing basketball. His friendly and humble demeanor may not seem bold, but when the pressure is on, you can count on Joey to get the job done!

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