22 May
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MythBusters Part 1: WamBam Fence is a Joke!

Part 1 of 3 in our MythBusters Series!

This statement  below was actually brought to our attention by a customer who called us and said, “I noticed this on another website and that’s how I became interested in the no-dig solution. I thought there must be something to this if someone is attacking it so publicly?”

“There are some vinyl fencing companies claiming they are digless vinyl fence systems – do they work?
Well – some companies think you can just pound (or “bam”) a round metal post in the ground and attach a vinyl post to it and like magic you are done sipping a cold drink enjoying your new cheap Chinese Fence (yes – they don’t advertise the made in China…). Not true at all – this is a gimmick, we feel it is faster to dig the holes, with all of the work screwing in each rail with multiple screws (weak connection), steel posts (not stainless…) and leveling, you have the same amount of time installing our much higher quality fence. From our experience these Chinese systems are weak (no metal insert in the bottom rail), do not save installation time (only 7′ wide), AND are almost impossible to to keep straight and level. Also, the 4 grooves in the posts collect dirt and insects and really are not aesthetically pleasing. What is the old saying – you can’t cut corners for quality – remember, our American Made vinyl fencing will last a lifetime, so do not fall for the gimmicks of a quick installation. Nobody honestly thinks a fence post with absolutely no concrete around them will last a lifetime, well we know they will not….”

Firstly, in the spirit of WamBam we thought it would be both appropriate and fun to respond to this  by asking you to ask yourself some questions. You’re intelligent, so all joking aside, if the no-dig installation method is a gimmick:

Fred proudly stands by his no-dig vinyl fence which was installed over 20 years ago

1. Why would customers who installed vinyl fence the no-dig way almost 20 years ago still be raving on about it? 

2. Why have numerous well-established multi-million dollar companies staked their future on do-dig fence?

Check out these links, which are by no means comprehensive:

Over 1/2 million feet of no-dig vinyl fence installed in Western Canada over the past 15 years

3. Would a fence that’s “a joke” be independently laboratory tested and certified to withstand wind loads of up to a category 1 hurricane?

Secondly , digging holes and pouring concrete is a fine way to install fence. We would never disparage it, with the exception of saying that it’s a heck of a lot of work that’s not necessary in a lot of applications. But digless fence isn’t for everyone,  and that’s why we also offer a line that is installed traditionally by digging holes and pouring concrete.

Thirdly, we admire our competitors, and believe they offer solid value. If they did not, they would not be in business. If you’re interested in a traditional install you would be well served by almost any vinyl fence company that sells traditionally installed fence on-line.

Lastly, a wise man once said that you can fool some of the people some of the time but you can’t fool all of the people all of the time. We believe you are a wise person capable of making good decisions. Whatever your choice, you can be 100% certain of one thing about a fence. A good one makes for good neighbors. Tally ho….and good fishing!

Stay tuned for Mythbusters Part 2 and 3 coming shortly!

(WamBam Fence reviews)

15 May
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WamBam Featured on the TV Show “Fix This Yard”

The Popular A&E Network Show Features our Product

The A&E Network show “Fix This Yard” recently featured a WamBam Fence in an episode. Check it out!

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